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A Closed Door

Nothing happened in the way I wanted. 

Two years ago, the end of a season felt like the end of the world. A door was slammed in my face, knocking me off my feet. Striving to pry open the door, I lost all my strength. I reached a dead end. 

In 1 Samuel 29, David was also met with a closed door. He intended to fight in the Philistine army, seeking comfort and safety from King Saul. Although David had a reputation of being an undefeated warrior, the Philistine commanders refused to let him fight in their army. They rejected David’s presence among them, sending him back to where he was assigned. 

After David went back to the land in which he belonged, he later became King. His disappointment was a divine appointment.

What we view as a dead end, the Lord marks as a new beginning. A closed door may be a pivotal point, changing the direction of our lives. For the Lord closes doors no man can open, and opens doors no man can shut (Revelation 3:7-8).

Thank God nothing happened in the way I wanted. In the aftermath of my loss, He has given me more than I could ever ask for or imagine.



"He has made everything beautiful in its time."

Ecclesiastes 3:11

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